World of tanks blitz best japanese tank
World of tanks blitz best japanese tank

Underground Monkey: Basically just an up-armored Renault FT with a bigger engine.(T1) Renault Otsu > Ha-Go > Ke-Ni > Ke-Ho: Merges with the medium line at tier 5.However, to balance these overall good characteristics, the three light tanks in the Japanese line lack in armor even more so than their medium counterparts, and are not exactly specialized for scouting in general. Japanese light tanks offer good speed and agility, culminating into the Type 5 Ke-Ho, which is small, fast, agile, and packs a surprising punch. National Stereotypes: Their food consumables are onigris.Large Ham: One of the three hammiest announcers in the game, tied with France and China.Gratuitous English: One of the quotes for the announcer when destroying an enemy tank sounds like "Nice Shot".However in World of Tanks Blitz there is a Japanese Tank Destroyer line. Of the heavies, most tanks never were finished in reality, but were blueprints. Several Japanese tanks are incredibly huge, the higher tier heavies and the tier 7 medium in particular.Ĭurrently, there are only one end-tier medium line and heavy line. They have somewhat poor aim times (though certainly not as poor as Russian tanks) and accuracy that can leave a good amount to be desired. In the first few tiers, the Japanese tanks can seem to prove to be a real turn off. They also combine good gun depression with guns that have excellent penetration and a good balance between alpha and Rate-of-Fire. They all have poor armor thicknesses, but the presence of sloped and rounded armor zones can lead to lucky bounces.

world of tanks blitz best japanese tank

There are a few things all Japanese tanks have in common. Tanks designed and produced by Imperial Japan and the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

World of tanks blitz best japanese tank